The Redo: Chapter 1

Act 1: The Retry Of The Hero

Chapter 1: I don't want this!

"Stop this, Drake!" I cried, standing defiantly before him. "Destroying this world is not the only option!"

"Give me one perfect reason for not destroying this world," he demanded, his voice cold and menacing.

I looked around the battlefield. People had gathered to witness the clash, their faces filled with hope and desperation. They believed in me, cheering me on.

"You can do it, Hero!" they shouted in unison. "You have to kill that demon! You can do it!"

Their voices bolstered my resolve, filling me with the strength and hope I needed to face Drake. Despite his overwhelming power, I had something he didn’t—the support of my people.

"Listen up, Drake!" I yelled, my voice echoing across the battlefield. "You may be stronger than me, but you're alone. Look around you; these people have come to support me."

"Support you?" he scoffed, his eyes narrowing with disdain. "Let's see how much support you really have." With that, he charged at me, his deadly sword aimed straight for my heart.

"Time Power!" I chanted, my voice firm. "Freeze!"

As I invoked my Time Power, the world around us came to a standstill. Drake and everyone else froze in place, their movements suspended in time. Their time had stopped running. I summoned my sword, its blade gleaming in the frozen moment, and charged at the immobilized Drake, aiming to sever his head from his body.

The frozen battlefield seemed eerily silent, a stark contrast to the earlier chaos. I moved swiftly towards Drake, my sword poised to strike. But as I swung the blade, a sudden resistance stopped it mid-air.

Drake's eyes moved, a sinister smile forming on his lips. "Did you really think it would be that easy?" he whispered, breaking free from the time freeze.

I stumbled back, my heart pounding. "How...?"

"You underestimate me, Hero," Drake sneered. "Your tricks won't work on me."

Before I could react, Drake lunged forward, his sword a blur of deadly precision. I barely managed to block his strike, the force of it sending me skidding backwards.

"You have no chance against me," he taunted. "Not even with their support."

I glanced at the crowd, their hopeful faces now tinged with fear. I couldn't let them down. Summoning all my strength, I charged at Drake, our swords clashing in a flurry of sparks and steel.

Drake laughed, effortlessly parrying my attacks. "Is this the best you can do? Pathetic."

"Shut up!" I roared, swinging wildly. "I won't let you destroy everything!"

Drake deflected my blows with ease, his movements almost lazy. "Why do you fight, Hero? For them? They will turn on you the moment you fail."

"I fight because it's right!" I yelled, our swords locking. "Because there's still hope!"

"Hope?" Drake's eyes gleamed with malice. "Hope is a lie."

With a powerful thrust, he knocked me off balance, sending me sprawling to the ground. My sword clattered away, out of reach. Drake loomed over me, his blade raised for the killing blow.

"Now, watch as your hope crumbles," he said, swinging his sword down.

I rolled aside just in time, the blade missing me by inches. Desperation surged through me as I scrambled to my feet. "I can't give up," I muttered to myself. "Not now."

Drake advanced, a predatory gleam in his eyes. "It's over, Hero."

Suddenly, a voice rang out from the crowd. "Get up, Hero! You can still fight!"

Another voice joined in. "We believe in you!"

I felt a spark of determination reignite within me. Their faith was my strength. With a defiant roar, I lunged at Drake, catching him off guard. My fist connected with his jaw, sending him staggering back.

Drake snarled, wiping blood from his lip. "You’ll regret that."

He came at me with renewed fury, our battle resuming with brutal intensity. Each strike felt like it could be my last, but I fought on, driven by the voices of those who believed in me.

However, despite my best efforts, Drake's strength was overwhelming. He finally disarmed me, his sword pressing against my throat. "Any last words, Hero?" he mocked.

I glanced at the crowd, their faces a mix of horror and despair. "This isn't over," I said through gritted teeth.

Drake's eyes flickered with amusement. "Oh, but it is."

With a swift motion, he knocked me unconscious.

When I awoke, I was surrounded by the same people who had cheered for me. But now, their expressions were harsh, accusatory.

"You failed us," one of them said, voice thick with anger.

"We believed in you!" another shouted. "And you let us down!"

“Moron! GET UP AND FIGHT ALREADY!!” said one of them.

Their words cut deeper than any blade. I had failed, and now I was paying the price. As they turned away from me, I felt a crushing sense of hopelessness.

Drake's laughter echoed in my mind. "Hope is a lie."

I was left alone, my spirit broken. The weight of their disappointment was unbearable, and for the first time, I questioned everything I had fought for.

But deep down, a small flicker of resolve remained. This wasn't the end. I couldn't let it be. For their sake, and for mine, I had to rise again.

It was too late. Drake had already set the wheels of destruction in motion. Celestial bodies and the Moon drew dangerously close to the Earth, and within seconds, everything would be annihilated.

I tried to stand, but my legs failed me. All I could do was face the inevitable end.

"If only I could..." I struggled to speak, my jaw aching with the effort. "Have a second chance!"

A jolt of shock coursed through my body, triggering a sudden memory.

The celestial bodies collided with the Earth, unleashing catastrophic devastation. A blinding white light enveloped the planet as the heavens crashed down. In moments, the world as we knew it was obliterated.

I am Kyle, a hero chosen by the heavens who wields the power of time. From the very beginning I wanted to be a hero just like my grandfather. He saved the world from demon invasion. It was a huge battle in the human history. But that day I was fighting against a single enemy of humanity, Drake. A demonic possessed boy driven by hatred and suffering implicted upon him by humanity.

His haterd for this world and its people grew so insane that it became impossible for me to stop him. 

In the end, Drake succeeded in destroying the world. His maniacal laughter echoed through the chaos, a sinister testament to his triumph. Little did he know, his victory was fleeting. He had no idea that I had one final trick up my sleeve: the power to go back in time.

As the last vestiges of our shattered world crumbled around me, I summoned every ounce of my strength. "Enjoy your moment, Drake," I muttered, my voice barely a whisper. "It won't last because I don't want this!"

With my final breath, I activated my temporal power. A blinding light enveloped me, and I felt the familiar pull of temporal displacement. The world dissolved around me, and I was hurled back into the past.

"I'll redo everything," I vowed, my voice filled with resolve as I landed in the familiar past. "This time, you'll pay for what you've done, Drake. I will stop you before you even begin."


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